GBN Networking One on One Worksheet

When conducting a one on one, it is a complement to the other party that you take notes.  It conveys a sense of urgency and commitment to become a valued referral resource.  So print out the below and be prepared.  It is recommended that you have a file or binder to retain these forms for future reference.  

Another one on one best practice is to set the time limit - say 1 hour - and suggest your guest go first and call time at 30 minutes so it is your turn to present for 30 minutes.  Thus you are respectful of everyone's time..

Good Networking!

GBN Networking One-on-One


Date                Time             Location

What is a good Referral for you?  Who do you want to be introduced to? Be Specific.

What is a good Strategic Partner for you?  Who is asking for the same referrals you are?  Be Specific

Who are your Synergy Partners?  Who is in a related industry and can work on the same projects for your clients?

Blurb Sheet for me about _________________    (be prepared)
A Good Referral for me is:
A good Strategic Partner is:
A good Synergy Partner is: